
2019年3月12日 in 佛山国际货代公司
承揽国际多式联运、专业过境铁路运输,接受货物委托、代理报关、转关、报检、报验、代理租船、订舱、 仓储、制单、运输等一系列货运代理业务。
公司坚持自己的核心优势,立足天津港,与青岛港、连云港、厦门、福建港团队携手,共同发展独特的专业物流服务:特种货物的公路、铁路、水路运输服务;国内集装箱多式联运服务(铁路运输,海铁联运,公铁联运);铁路跨境运输服务(提供至中亚、俄罗斯、欧洲的班列服务)。凭借过境铁路运输至蒙古(乌兰巴托)、外俄罗斯(莫斯科等)、哈萨克斯坦(阿拉木图等)、乌兹别克斯坦(塔什干等)、塔吉克斯坦(杜尚别等)、吉尔吉斯斯坦(比什凯克等)、土库曼斯坦(阿什哈巴德)运输能力,积极开展跨国境运输业务,开拓业务范围,专注质量、致力于完善多种方式的运输网络,竭诚为客户提供最优质的综合物流方案和商务机会。Tianjin Zhenhong international freight agency is to accept a client to complete a certain link transport of goods or related links, its main services include:
1 on behalf of the consignor (exporter)
(1) select the transport route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier;
(2) provide Lanhuo, booking to the selected carrier; (3) issued by the relevant documents and goods from the;
(4) packaging; (5) storage; (6) weight and volume size; (7) to arrange insurance;
(8) the port customs and documentation procedures, and deliver the goods to the carrier;
(9) the payment of freight and other costs; (10) charge has been issued by the original bill of lading, and pay the consignor;
(11) to arrange the goods transport; (12) notify the consignee of goods dynamic; (13) recorded the loss of goods; (14) to assist the consignee to the responsible party to claim.
2 representatives of the consignee (importer)
(1) report of goods dynamic; (2) to receive and review all the related documents; (3) delivery and pay the freight; (4) to arrange customs clearance and pay taxes and fees; (5) arranged for storage in the transportation process; (6) delivery cleared goods to the consignee; (7 assist the consignee) storage or distribution of the goods.
3 other services, such as according to the special needs of customers for loading, unloading, consolidated cargo and container devanning assembled transportation consulting services.
4 special cargo hanging transportation service and overseas exhibition transport service
