
2019年3月11日 in 湛江国际货代公司
  Compared with only air freight mode, sea-air intermodal transportation reduces cost. Compared with only shipping mode, it shortens transit time. It is a new economical and speedy transportation mode. In order to meet our customers’ demands, our multimodal transportation division coordinates shipping and air freight divisions to develop sea-air intermodal transportation. We make use of the advantages of our shipping and air freight to launch unique project of sea-air intermodal transportation which can help our customers draw practical and effective solutions in sea-air intermodal logistics.
Our Advantages
  We set up reliable network to offer transshipment operation that can ensure effectiveness of intermodal connectivity. We keep innovating transport routes to achieve more economical and efficient service. The coverage of our services is very wide. We offer real-time shipment tracking. 人性化的增值服务,是我公司突出特色之一。为不同客户量身定做,根据具体需求出具专门运输解决方案,帮助客户提高工作效率节省运输成本。我们可为您承办全国各大港口及世界各港的散货、拼箱、集装箱进出口业务以及进出口海运订舱和配载;进出口报关、联运、仓储、押箱、换单;代理商检、卫检、动植检、熏蒸,各种货运保险。提供最高质、最安全、最快捷、一条龙货运服务是我们最大的优势。



有齐全的运输车辆,承担短途运输,集港、集站,疏港运输,以及跟国内货物的运输与配送服务。作业车辆在物流中心内单向行驶,设置专用车道,将装货车辆与卸货 车辆分离,减少车辆的交叉行驶;人车分离,将办公与库区分离,确保安全;对装箱的流程进行改进,采用集箱专用拖头与专用平板相结合的方式,提高作业率,更 加安全可靠。同时为企业提供(供应商管理库存)特色服务。
